The 1st Battalion, 17th Infantry Regiment deployed to Southern Afghanistan in July 2009.
1-17 Infantry was one of five battalions comprising the 5th Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division which totaled nearly 5,000 Soldiers - the first significant American military presence sent to the region in nearly 8 years.
On August 7th 2009, the battalion's 600 Soldier task force departed its staging area at Kandahar Airfield to make the long trip to various smaller combat posts. A little more than a week later - under the thick canopies of bountiful pomegranate orchards - the unit sustained its first two Soldiers killed in action. It would go on to record 21 additional soldiers killed and dozens wounded. 1-17 Infantry holds a grave distinction as one of the hardest hit American military units of Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF).
Stick to our Herd. We do this together.
Link past and present generations by honoring legacy's of sacrifice and improving opportunity for young people to follow their ambition to serve.
Grow this fund and award annual grants to students at all 23 highschools.
Reconnect and lend support to eachother. Our shared service and time togther is distinct and important. Lets work to stick together.

The foundation awarded its first grant in May 2020 to a graduating senior from Norwood Highschool (MO) in honor of Specialist Jonathan Yanney. Jonathan Yanney attended Norwood Highschool from 2005-2008.
Jonathan's close friend from school presents the award each year to the selected graduating senior.